Tuesday, 13 September 2011

How To Update Samsung E2120 / E2120B Guru Firmware By NSpro Box

This Tutorial can be used to update the Firmware of these two models but you have to select the suitable firmware for each one.

Cable to Use: NSpro C450 cable.

Battery: Must be into the phone,and the phone OFF.

Firmware Update Steps:

  1. Run NSpro Software and select E2120 model then click Next
  2. Click Flash.
  3. Set Baudrate: 921600
  4. Set Mode: Bin & TFS
  5. For BIN File select: E2120xxxxx.cla
  6. For TFS File select: E2120xxxxx.tfs
  7. Click Write and connect C450 cable to Off phone with battery inside to start the process.
  8. Wait till all is done then disconnect cable.
  9. Turn on the phone and do full reset: *2767*3855#

Samsung E2120 / E2120B Guru Original Firmwares.

NSpro Box Software Versions

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