This Tutorial can be used to update the Firmware of these two models but you have to select the suitable firmware for each one.
Cable to Use: NSpro C450 cable.
Battery: Must be into the phone,and the phone OFF.
Firmware Update Steps:
- Run NSpro Software and select E2120 model then click Next
- Click Flash.
- Set Baudrate: 921600
- Set Mode: Bin & TFS
- For BIN File select: E2120xxxxx.cla
- For TFS File select: E2120xxxxx.tfs
- Click Write and connect C450 cable to Off phone with battery inside to start the process.
- Wait till all is done then disconnect cable.
- Turn on the phone and do full reset: *2767*3855#
Samsung E2120 / E2120B Guru Original Firmwares.
NSpro Box Software Versions